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All those beautiful timelines

Today’s news in english, so Jonna and Pete know what’s going on as well.

One week ago i wrote about a new feature on Daily Fratze: Timelines. Those should not be the center of it all like it is on facebook and not be forced upon you.

It should be an extension to the daily picture to highlight some special events… And special is something different for everyone, so there are as little constraints as possible on those events.

One week later i’m really happy about those beautiful timelines created here. Have a look at

Sometimes it scares my that i’ve documented my personal life in great detail in the last seven years, but most of the times, i really enjoy it smiley.gif

Michael KiewegMichael KiewegWhy scared? You started this project out of your own free will and you keep it going out of your free will. At least, I hope so....
I know myself well enough, to be sure, that I will never be able to do so.I barely manage to blog once in a month.
When you're sitting in your wheelchair, some 50 years ahead, dressed in some old AC/DC-Shirt, you can show your grandsons kids, what a tough, young man you once have been and how much fun you had in your life.

MichaelMichaelThank you very much for your kind comment Michael. You got that point with the angry old man in the wheelchair very well smiley.gif I forgot to book a "Zivi" in advance wink.gif

Apart from the fun, I'm already looking forward to show Anton that stuff here when he comes of age to understand what we've created there.

lexilexireally gotta admit: after first scepticism i now love this feature!
did an amazing job there, thanks so much!

AdastraAdastraThanks again for the awesome feature grin.gif

One small request though: it'd be really neat to have a link to the Timeline on the "Events" page - or possibly even to the specific Event in the Event List wink.gif

JonnaJonnaYay, fantastic! thanks for the translate =)
MichaelMichaelThank you all.

Adastra: Definitive! I'm missing this myself.

MichaelMichaelUte: Done.
JanJanEin Wunsch von meiner Seite ist, dass wenn man in der Bildansicht ist und ein Event hinzufuegt, dann im Kalender zum auswaehlen des Ende des Events der Tag der Fratze vorselektiert ist und nicht heute. Ansonsten muss man fuer fruehere Events entweder von Hand eingeben, oder viel mit der Maus klicken.
JonnaJonnaonce i click on my timeline, is there a way to go back to daily fratze main site, without typing in the URL?
MichaelMichaelNo. Not yet.

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