Dienstag, 6. April 2010

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dailyfratze.de/caity am 06.04.2010



I started a new book today. So many people have told me that it was a good book. It is usually not the type of book that I read. I like science fiction books. I thought I would give it a try since someone lent it to me.

LeaLeaPeople also keep telling me that I have to read this book. My to-read list is getting longer and longer!! Just tell us if it's really worth reading wink.gif
WuselichWuselichHmmm .. books smiley.gif .. I love books grin.gif
I've got more than 20 lented books here.
So many books - so little time! panik.gif

CaityCaitySo far it is very good! You should read it if you like to read!

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